时间:2018-06-06 点击量:5565
摘 要进行保健按摩,健康和理疗为目的的身体治疗。MASSAGE THERAPISTS perform therapeutic massage and administer body treatments for health, fitness and remedial purposes.
ANZSCO 4116 按摩治疗师职责概述
• 进行保健按摩,健康和理疗为目的的身体治疗。MASSAGE THERAPISTS perform therapeutic massage and administer body treatments for health, fitness and remedial purposes.
ANZSCO 4116 按摩治疗师技能要求 Indicative Skill Level
• 本单元的大多数职位需要具有与下述资质和经验相当的技术层次。Most occupations in this unit group have a level
of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below
• 在澳洲:AQF大专文凭、高级文凭或文凭(ANZSCO技术2级)In Australia: AQF Associate Degree, Advanced
Diploma or Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 在新西兰:NZ的登记证书(ANZSCO技术2级)In New Zealand: NZ Register Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 至少3年的相关工作经验可以取代上述的资格证书。有时除了资格证外,还需要相关的工作经验和/或在职培训。At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.
ANZSCO 4116 按摩治疗师主要职责 Tasks Include
• 按摩软组织,如肌肉、肌腱和韧带,以助于身体恢复。massaging the soft tissues of the body, such as
muscles, tendons and ligaments, to assist healing
• 使用一系列按摩技术来增强在运动中的表现,并防止其受伤。utilising a range of massage techniques to enhance
sports performance and prevent injury
• 进行治疗,以促进身体放松、改善循环和缓解肌肉紧张。administering treatments to promote relaxation,
improve circulation and relieve muscle tension
• 评估和处理特殊软组织功能障碍,并提供康复建议。assessing and treating specific soft tissue dysfunction
and providing rehabilitation advice
• 使用其它技术(如指压)和辅助设备(如红外线灯、湿布、冰块、香精油、草药和矿物质治疗法)来帮助恢复。employing other techniques,
such as acupressure or Shiatsu, and complementary aids, such as infra-red lamps,
wet compresses, ice, essential oils and herbal and mineral therapies, to assist
• 评估客户的身体状况和病历,就拉伸训练和放松技术提出建议。assessing client's physical condition and case
history and advising on stretching exercises and relaxation techniques
ANZSCO 4116 按摩治疗师职位列表 List of occupations
• 进行保健按摩,进行休闲、健康和理疗为目的的身体治疗。Performs therapeutic massage and administers body
treatments for relaxation, health, fitness and remedial purposes.
• 技术等级:2 Skill Level: 2
• 职业方向 Specialisations:
• 推拿按摩师 Chinese (Tui-Na) Masseur
• 理疗按摩师 Remedial Masseur
• 指压按摩理疗师 Shiatsu Therapist
• 运动医学按摩师 Sports Medicine Masseur
VETASSESS 职业评估机构介绍
VETASSESS负责领导澳大利亚的职业教育和培训机构。帮助全世界的个人、培训机构、集团明确并达到他们的学习和评估目标。 VETASSESS is Australia’s leading vocational education and training (VET) assessment provider. We help individuals, training providers and industry groups around the world define and achieve their learning and assessment goals.
VETASSESS 职业评估机构评估的申请条件
申请技工职业 Applying for a trade occupation,as long as you are applying for migration
under either
* 一般技术移民 General Skilled Migration (GSM)
* 雇主提名 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)
* 临时商业赞助移民 Temporary Business (Long Stay) Standard Business Sponsorship
(Subclass 457) visa
申请一般职业 Applying for a general professional occupation
* 申请澳大利亚GSM、ENS或毕业生临时签证 currently be a permanent resident of a country other than Australia and wish to migrate to Australia under the General Skilled Migration (GSM) or the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) program, or be applying for a Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) visa (subclass 485)
* 提名一个一般职业,如管理类、技师类、社区、个人服务、文职、行政或销售 nominate a general professional occupation – managerial, technician, community, personal service, clerical, administrative or sales occupation for which VETASSESS is the relevant assessing authority.
* 中学或更高学历,与提名职业相关领域 hold post-secondary or higher educational qualifications at the required educational level, in a field highly relevant to your nominated occupation
* 过去五年中有一年高度相关职业工作经验have at least one year of employment experience out of the last five in a highly relevant field to your nominated occupation (unless you need an assessment for 485 visa purposes in which case employment is not assessed).
VETASSESS 职业评估机构评估申请方式
在线申请 Apply online
* the online application is cheaper
* you can track and view the progress of your application
* you can continue your application at a later stage (within 30 days) rather than completing it all at once, as we provide you with login details
* the service is quicker as your application will be processed as soon as your documents are received
* you can book and pay for a technical interview and/or in country assessment.
邮寄 Apply by mail
VETASSESS 职业评估机构材料清单
1. 申请表Application for trade skills assessment form (completed and signed)
2. 技工能力证明表 Appropriate trade evidence form (completed and signed)
3. 身份信息 Identity documents
* 两张近照 2 recent photographs – passport size, certified and dated
* 护照身份页公证件或出生公证 relevant passport pages – certified copy (passport page must show name, photo and date of birth); a birth certificate should be provided if you do not hold a passport
* 更名证明 change of name evidence (if applicable)
4. 技能证明 Evidence of skills (see list of evidence)
* 培训证明 evidence of training
* 工作证明 evidence of employment
* 其他资格证明 other items of evidence to support your application
5.上述资料的英语翻译件 Certified English translation of the above documents, compiled by a registered translation service, if originally issued in a language other than English
申请费支付证明 Assessment fee
* 工商登记明细 business registration details
* 公司交税记录 company tax records
* 带有公司名字的发票 invoices with company name
* 供应商发票/收据 supplier invoices / receipts
* 名片、公司手册等 business cards, brochures and other stationery
* 带有公司名字的办公室、车辆的照片 photographs of company signs on office / vehicles etc
* 公司会计或律师的证明信 reference from company accountant / lawyer
* 客户列表 client list.
Please include ‘Diploma Supplement’ if one has been issued. Most European universities have issued a Diploma Supplement automatically and free of charge to graduates from 2005. Supplying a Diploma Supplement provides a precise description of the applicant’s academic study.
尼日利亚:需要认证机构将所获证书和所有学期的成绩单认证件密封直接寄给VETASSESS 。
A verified copy of the award certificate and full academic transcript sent directly in a sealed envelope from the awarding body to VETASSESS.
巴基斯坦:需要认证机构将所获证书和所有学期的成绩单认证件密封直接寄给VETASSESS 。
A verified copy of the award certificate and full academic transcript sent directly in a sealed envelope from the awarding body to VETASSESS.
中国:中国授予的证书需要经过VETASSESS 的认证。
Qualifications awarded in China must be verified by Qualifications Verification at VETASSESS. Please submit your qualification documents as outlined above.
Note: Qualification documents do not need to be notarised or certified.
Evidence of membership of a professional board in the relevant professional field may affect the outcome of an assessment of qualifications from the
Philippines. Applicants from the Philippines are asked to submit evidence of passing the Professional Regulation Commission’s Licensure Examinations in the relevant professional field as this may positively affect the assessment outcome.
VETASSESS 职业评估机构处理周期
技工类:申请457签证5-7周;永久技术移民评估师6-10周 For a temporary 457 visa skills assessment, the assessment is normally completed within 5-7 weeks. For permanent migration skills assessment it may take 6 to 10. This can vary depending on whether a technical interview or in country assessment is conducted.
一般职业:485类签证是8周,GSM/ ENSOL/ State Sponsored visa 类技术评估师8-12周 Skilled Graduate Visa (485) Please note that the processing time for a
qualifications only assessment (485 visas) is approximately 8 weeks once all documents required for assessment have been received by VETASSESS. Some cases may take longer depending on the complexity level of the case. GSM/ ENSOL/ State Sponsored visa If you apply for a full skills assessment to SRGO, the
approximate time for assessment is 8-12 weeks once all documents required for assessment have been received by VETASSESS. Some cases may take longer depending on the complexity level of the case. If you have a full skills Assessment which is now urgent due to your visa expiring or upcoming birthday, please submit an urgency request form and we will attempt to meet your deadline. Upcoming migration changes and potential State/Territory Sponsorship changes are not usually sufficient for an application to be processed urgently.
VETASSESS 职业评估机构评估费用
技术面试(Technical interview):AUD $1320.00 Applying from within Australia (includes GST*) AUD $1200.00 Applying from outside Australia (excludes GST*)
实际培训(Practical demonstration) :AUD $1320.00 Applying from within Australia (includes GST*)AUD $1200.00 Applying from outside Australia (excludes GST*)
VETASSESS 职业评估机构联系方式
Phone us(All enquiries): +61 3 9655 4801
GPO Box 2752
Melbourne VIC 3001
Melbourne Office Address
Level 5, 478 Albert Street
East Melbourne Victoria 3002
Opening hours
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m
Melbourne Postal Address
GPO Box 2752
Melbourne Victoria 3001 Australia
Perth Office Address
Suite 14/20 Kearns Cres
Ardross Western Australia 6153
Opening hours
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m
Contact: Mark Barker
Tel: +61 8 9316 0255
Fax: +61 8 9316 5672
VETASSESS 职业评估机构--中国文凭认证
As of 1 January 2011, Applicants holding a Bachelor's Degree or above from the People's Republic of China who wish to apply for a Skills Assessment with
VETASSESS will need to have the following documents verified: Typically, the following qualification documents awarded in China from 1981 onwards can be verified:
* 高等教育学历(学士学位、硕士和博士) Higher Education Degrees (e.g. Bachelor's degrees, Master's degrees and Doctorial degrees)
* 高等教育的毕业证书 Higher Education Certificates of Graduation
* 中学教育及高等教育的毕业证书 Secondary Level and Postsecondary level Certificates of Graduation
* 高等教育或职业教育的成绩单 Academic Transcripts of Higher Education or Vocational Education programmes
* 高中毕业证书 Certificates of High School Graduation Examination
* 高中毕业考试成绩 Records of High School Graduation Examination
* 大学和高考成绩 Records of University and College Entrance Examination
* 高等教育课程听讲证明 Certificates of Attendance of Higher Education programmes
非在线申请的处理时间为6周以上 If you applied by mail or in person, please allow six weeks for
the processing of your application before you contact us.
1、拨打澳教留学免费咨询热线:京ICP备13036260号-1;2、点击【立即咨询】 ,我们会有资深顾问老师为你解答留学难题;3、完成以下表单,轻松预约,获取一对一免费留学咨询机会。