时间:2018-06-01 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 点击量:2254 来源:互联网 标签:转学
摘 要我们经常看到一些留学生朋友由于缺乏专业规划或者抵达澳洲后思想有所变化,发现所选择的大学或者课程不适合自己,也有同学因为挂科或者其他问题被迫转学,更多的是读完一个学位再继续深造另外一个学位。这里就涉及到转学的课程如何配置,课程的时间如何安排的系列问题。
8202条款的Section 106规定:
106.2 如果课程是年初开学年尾结束,并且来年继续读书,则满足课程要求;如果学生完成的课程是年尾,但是课程不到1年,但是打包课程的一部分,只要签证时之前已经有的,并且来年继续读书,则也可能满足要求;
106.1 If the student withdraws
106.2 If the course finishes at end of year
• completing a course that finishes at the end of the standard academic year and that is a full academic year in duration (ie a course that starts in February/March and ends in November/December) and
• are considered to be complying with this condition. (Note: The National Code of Practice permits the accrediting authority to determine the length of an academic year. If no period is set by the accrediting authority, it is 36 weeks.)
• finishes at the end of the standard academic year and
may be considered to be complying with this visa condition if:
• they are enrolled in a course commencing at the beginning of the following standard academic year.
Students completing a course that finishes during the standard academic year may be considered to be complying with this condition provided no more than two months elapses before they begin another course.
section 106 Satisfying course requirements
section 108 Attendance requirements
section 110 Substantial compliance
section 112 Student visa holders and applications for skilled migration - guidelines on compliance with 8202.
1、拨打澳教留学免费咨询热线:京ICP备13036260号-1;2、点击【立即咨询】 ,我们会有资深顾问老师为你解答留学难题;3、完成以下表单,轻松预约,获取一对一免费留学咨询机会。